Focusing on People and driven by the Universal Cultural Values of Hellenism

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ZORBA THE GREEK BALLET - A Triumph at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus with Internationally Renowned Dance Stars
ZORBA THE GREEK BALLET - A Triumph at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus with Internationally Renowned Dance Stars

Wednesday, 09 October 2024

The audience experienced a magical evening at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus with the performance of Zorba The Greek Ballet, featuring the iconic music of Mikis Theodorakis and choreography by Lorca Massine. With internationally renowned dance stars, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, the moving voice of Irini Karaianni, and the direction of Lukas Karytinos, the performance captivated the audience. The evening also had a philanthropic purpose, with the crowd enthusiastically participating, culminating in the iconic Sirtaki dance performed by the Lyceum of Greek Women.

Elena Votsi designs for Thyateira Union
Elena Votsi designs for Thyateira Union

Saturday, 03 December 2022

We are pleased to announce our partnership with the renowned Greek jewellery designer, Elena Votsi. With a mission to support actions in the field of social care and in particular the provision of support, care, empowerment and strengthening of the elderly, Thyateira Union employed the talent of Elena Votsi and asked her to create an exclusive jewellery collection to help raise money for meals for elderly persons living below or at the poverty line.


Saturday, 08 October 2022

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Support the Union

Together we are stronger! The Thyateira Union seeks the support of individuals but also strategic collaborations for the planning and development of actions that will promote our charitable, cultural and social work.

All financial data of the Union, which are made public, are audited annually by the Board of Chartered Accountants of SOL CROWE.


Dear Friend of Thyateira, your donation will be used where there is a need and always with a fairer and better world in mind for our fellow human beings. Your decision to become a member of our family has the power to build a better future and to ensure the progress and prosperity of our inclusive society.


Our work is based on donations from individuals, companies and organizations. With your donation to the Thyateira Union, you contribute to the implementation of our actions and to the fulfillment of our mission.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We welcome companies and organizations that wish to contribute and respond to societal challenges, supporting our actions and initiatives.

Collaborations with other Bodies

We invite and hope to work with other actors to support and implement our actions, always guided by the principle that the power of many can build a better future for all.


Driven by the ability of people to unite and create a better world, we rely on the valuable help of volunteers to implement our social work and fulfil our mission.

Ways of Support

See the activities of the Thyateira Union.

Thyateira Union

The International Association of Friends of the Archdiocese of Thyateira & Great Britain "Thyateira Union", is an association, charitable, cultural and social that supports and supports, in Greece and abroad, the charitable and social work of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira & Great Britain.

"Thyateira" develops with a spirit of offering, dedication and duty, diverse, energetic and multidimensional educational and charitable action , focusing on modern man and focusing on the universal cultural values ​​of Hellenism.

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The Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain Nikitas sends a message full of love, warmth, priesthood!

Dear Brothers and associates in the Lord's vineyard,

When faith is going through a crisis, it is then that we must stand strong and become the counterweight in the midst of the storm that has overtaken us.

Of course, in the history of the Church our forefathers also came in the face of great challenges and crises and God sent holy men to serve the thoroughbred.

God's providence and mercy were revealed when He raised the Judges to save His people. In difficult times of hunger, sickness, and turmoil, God heard the cries and pleas of the faithful.

It is our duty to humble ourselves and to pray.

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