Wednesday, 09 October 2024
The audience experienced a magical evening at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus with the performance of Zorba The Greek Ballet, featuring the iconic music of Mikis Theodorakis and choreography by Lorca Massine. With internationally renowned dance stars, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, the moving voice of Irini Karaianni, and the direction of Lukas Karytinos, the performance captivated the audience. The evening also had a philanthropic purpose, with the crowd enthusiastically participating, culminating in the iconic Sirtaki dance performed by the Lyceum of Greek Women.
Saturday, 03 December 2022
We are pleased to announce our partnership with the renowned Greek jewellery designer, Elena Votsi. With a mission to support actions in the field of social care and in particular the provision of support, care, empowerment and strengthening of the elderly, Thyateira Union employed the talent of Elena Votsi and asked her to create an exclusive jewellery collection to help raise money for meals for elderly persons living below or at the poverty line.
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
The two great Greek artists, Marinella and Mario Frangoulis, reunite their voices for a charitable purpose in the context of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, setting another milestone for Thyateira Union that meets its history in Philippi, the area that continues to be a symbol of the power of the ancient Greek world as the birthplace of the first Christian community in Europe!
Thursday, 28 April 2022
On Thursday April 28, Mario Frangoulis and Big Band, with special guest Marc Devigne, thrilled us with a unique musical journey, contributing in their own unique way to the achievement of the humanitarian purpose of this event.
Tuesday, 01 March 2022
Concert of Giannis Parios at the "Pallas" Theatre to support the Megisti Medical Centre of Kastelorizo island. The concert was cancelled due to the war in Ukraine, however, our aid will be delivered this summer, through a generous donation from the Grand sponsor of the event.
Friday, 07 January 2022
Art exhibition of well-known artist Lazaros Maravas, at the hot-spot of the Centre of Athens, City Link, with the purpose to support the Hippocratic General Hospital of Athens, through the proceeds from the sale of his works, with the famous artwork "London" being the first as a donation from the artist to our Union.
Friday, 03 September 2021
In an emotional atmosphere, the President of "Thyateira Union", Georgios Papagiannopoulos, welcomed the distinguished guests as well as the thousands of spectators to the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, who united their strength for the great purpose of the concert: the donation of the proceeds of the concert for the relief of those affected by the wildfires in Northern Evia.
Friday, 03 September 2021
What describes our organization in English is the word UNION. Τhe UNION OF THE POWER OF THE MANY…And with this concert we offered “ALLTOGETHER, UNITED AS ONE”. Thyateira Union, whose priority is to provide humanitarian and philanthropic aid, decided to act immediately by organising its first open event, in order to raise funds as a relief to the most vulnerable.